Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Starting Over

It's been two years since I posted to this blog. I can't believe I'm starting it up again! I don't know if it is the right thing for me to do. But, here I am. So, do I try to catch you up on my life? Do I fill in a few gaps? Or do I just LAUNCH? I say, launch! I am a tough chick....and not just because my nail polish says so (I promise...that's the name of it!). I am tough because God says so. And I am having my mettle tested these days. Yep....tough! But, I can't think of anyone tougher than Jonathan. Two weeks ago, he went into sudden cardiac arrest at school. Sitting in Biology, minding his own business. I am more than grateful for the quick-thinking students who got him the help he needed, and stayed with him. Several teachers sprang into action, putting their CPR skills to work, and someone located---and used---one of the 26 AED's that Bixby Public Schools owns. I have been told by more than one person that a cardiac arrest save like this just doesn't happen very often. I don't know all of the events that occurred that morning, but I do know that my 15-year-old son's heart stopped. For 10 minutes. On the floor. At school. An AED, used by school personnel, made the difference in this case. I marvel at this thought. What if he had been at home? What if we had been anywhere else? Would there have been this simple life-saving device? So now, I find myself an advocate. Every building in the nation should have at least one AED. And, CPR training should be a part of life. How many people would be saved each year, if we all knew this life-saving technique? We may never have the opportunity to use it---indeed most of us won't. But, if that time ever comes, knowing that you are able to give a mom back her son is an incredible reward. And, AED's are an added expense to a business, but in this case, those shocks, delivered to Jonathan in the critical first few minutes of his arrest made all the difference. So worth the cost---just ask Jonathan's friends, who are at home in Bixby tonight, holding a rally/prayer vigil for him. Jonathan and I are looking at the pictures being posted to Facebook. We are in Little Rock, Arkansas, waiting for another heart transplant. Any day now....