Monday, March 22, 2010

Finding the Humor

This weekend was a chance for me to really reflect on my boys and our lives. If I could, I would create a world where they would never have to suffer pain, or endure hardship. But, we live in this world, and we know that we have to take the bad along with the good. And some of the bad is actually kind of funny---NOW! Believe me, at the time it was happening, I wasn't laughing!

There was a time that Poison Control actually knew me by name, and they knew my children's names. Well....actually only one child's name---Jackson! Jackson has always been very independent, and extremely inquisitive. He's the child who asks 500 questions a day (still does this!), and wouldn't stop there, except that we get tired of answering them! He's curious. So, there was a time in his life when he thought that everything needed to be tested, worn, or tasted! There was the time that he painted his face, lips and fingernails with White Out. Of course, on the label in bold letters it says, TOXIC! KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN! Hello, Poison Control?? Then, there was the time he was playing in my bathroom while I showered. How much damage could the kid do while I was right there?! I step out of the shower, and he turns around, holding the nail polish remover, with the lid in his mouth! Hello, Poison Control?? My favorite was the time I was the cause. Jonathan was taking liquid meds at the time, because he hadn't learned to swallow a pill yet. So, the time came for him to take his meds, and I drew them up, walked over and just popped them into a kid's mouth. A few minutes later, I walked past Jonathan, and said, "Oh, Jonathan! I need to give you your meds. Wait! I already did that---I drew them up," About that time Jackson walks over and says, "Mmmm--mmm!! Mommy, Jon-Jon's 'menos' tastes GOOD!" Oh, shoot!! First call---the cardiologist. He laughed, then he told me to call---you guessed it---Poison Control! Hello?? On the other end of the phone: "Oh! Hi, Mrs. Fussell! What's Jackson gotten into today?" GREAT!! They know me by name now! I'm sure I'm on some "watch list" at this point! I didn't bother to call them when he ate Chap-Stick. I figured it would just help his constipation. Turns out, I was right! Dog food concerned me a little, but the dog didn't seem to mind, so I let it go. Thankfully, none of the things Jackson did, ate, or had given to him harmed him in any way.

I'm learning to see the humor in these little the grander scheme of things, most of it's all small stuff anyway, right?!

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