Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Diva in Me...

I went to Arkansas today, to pick up four of my six nieces. It's their Spring Break, and they wanted to come to Aunt Lex's house. SO, my sister and I met half-way between our houses, and traded kids for space. They are the sweetest four girls you could ever hope to meet. Very well-mannered, and so eager to please. I love having them around. For some reason, I am the "Diva" of the family. I'm the girly-girl that my sister is not. She doesn't have time to be--she has five girls! They love to hang out with Aunt Lex, because they know we'll do girly-girl stuff like shop and get our nails painted, and try new hairstyles. I'm into looking stylish. Although my wardrobe is rather outdated right now, I love to look my best. I like high heels and jewelry, and I love my long, layered hair (although I think it's a bit too long at the moment!). My sister is into function and efficiency. She's a full six feet tall, and high heels would make her taller than her husband, and she couldn't chase young children as well in them. Jewelry is an afterthought, and she just doesn't have much of it. Her short haircut is smart---perfect for her slender face, but also for her busy lifestyle. She is beautiful, and I love her dearly, this "baby sister" of mine. She has learned to do without, so her kids can have, and good enough is usually good enough. I admire her for her mother's heart. She's giving and caring in so many ways. My life is so much richer because of my precious sister.

OK---back to the Diva in me! For a long time, I was a little put off by this title. Lex, the Diva, who was too busy trying to look good to help with the dishes, or who was too busy socializing to actually get her hands dirty. My sister would say this with a smile on her face. I knew she was kidding, but in a way she was serious, and maybe even a little admiring of my ability to get out of doing just about anything I didn't want to do with a little Southern charm, and a lot of "paint and glue"! My husband even gets in on this Diva thing---when we have somewhere to go, and I need to look my best, he starts singing a song from the movie, "Oliver." The first lines are: "Girl, we've got work to do. Pass me the paint and glue....When one knows the world is watching, one does what one must. Some minor adjustments, darling; not for my vanity, but for humanity!" And that's not really the whole truth. It IS for my vanity! But don't tell anyone....

So, maybe there is a Diva in me, and I let her out on occasion. Is that an altogether bad thing? As long as I don't ACT like a Diva, and expect everyone to cater to my every whim, I think I'm OK.

Are you getting up? Oh, good! I need a soda....!

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